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Do you offer gift cards?

We do not yet offer gift cards, but if this is something that interests you please let us know! If enough of our customers request gift cards, we'll make it happen.

Why are some honeys light and some dark?

The color (and flavor!) of honey depends entirely on what the bees were foraging on at the time. Spring honeys are often lighter than fall honeys, but this also varies by geographic location.

How many hives are at CCA

Currently, we have 5 hives. The number varies from year to year, and we hope to keep growing!

My honey arrived in a box that looks pre-used. Why?

Because the box was pre-used! At CCA, as at a lot of places these days, we're drowning in cardboard boxes from shipments we receive. If the box is still sturdy, we reuse it for our own shipping rather than breaking it down for recycling. We hope you won't mind.

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